Each year, residents from across the world seek to make the United States their new home. For many, this process involves an application for lawful permanent residency—informally known as a green card. This name stems from years ago when the cards indicating lawful permanent residency were actually green in color.
If you seek lawful permanent resident (LPR) status in the United States, a Cicero green card lawyer could help. Our dedicated immigration attorneys could assist you with the application process, deal with any delays, and ensure you understand how to proceed.
There are many reasons to pursue a green card. This is especially true for anyone who hopes to remain in the United States long-term or for the rest of their life. A Cicero green card attorney could provide insight into each of these benefits.
One of the primary reasons to pursue a green card is that it provides an eventual path towards United States citizenship. Once a person is a lawful permanent resident, they can become a naturalized citizen after a set amount of time. Most people can apply for citizenship after five years, but that period shortens to three years for anyone married to a current citizen.
Once an applicant receives a green card, they have the power to sponsor certain immediate family members for immigration permits. This could provide a path for an entire family to obtain lawful permanent resident status.
A green card offers expanded employment opportunities beyond the benefits granted by a work visa. For instance, obtaining LPR status allows immigrants to apply for job positions with a security clearance.
Certain federal benefits are also available to lawful permanent residents. For example, obtaining a green card could make someone eligible for financial aid at an educational institution. Green card holders can also qualify for in-state tuition to colleges and universities.
The unfortunate reality is that many applications for green cards are denied each year. The reasons why the government denies these applications are as varied as the motivations that people have for seeking LPR status in the first place.
Many denials come down to basic errors in the application process. Failing to fill out an entire application or forgetting to include necessary documentation, for instance, could lead to a rejected petition.
Other denials revolve around allegations of fraud. This is common in cases where a person seeks a green card based on their marriage to a United States citizen. If the federal government does not believe the marriage is genuine, it can deny an application.
Finally, some applicants are simply ineligible for green cards. This could be due to their lack of financial resources, their previous deportation from the United States, or their criminal background. A Cicero green card attorney understands the common reasons for application denials and could help you achieve a positive case outcome.
If you plan to seek a green card, it is in your best interest to talk to an attorney first. The process can be challenging, especially if you handle your entire application on your own.
Do not put your green card at risk by acting without an attorney. One mistake could derail the process and set you back for years. Reach out to a Cicero green card lawyer right away to discuss your options.