We serve immigration clients nationwide. Contact Us to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers today.

The federal government offers a number of options for entering, remaining in, and working in the United States. While the immigration system offers versatility and many options, it is important to understand that the process of applying for a permit or green card is never easy.

If you or a loved one are hoping to immigrate into the United States, now is the time to seek out legal counsel. A single mistake could result in a denied application or even removal from the country. Let a Maywood immigration lawyer review your case and advise you on the best next steps.

Lawful Permanent Resident Status

Obtaining lawful permanent resident (LPR) status is one of the most common immigration goals a Maywood attorney could help with. Securing LPR status requires seeking an immigration permit known as a green card.

The grounds for seeking a green card can vary. Obtaining a green card through family connections or employment is common, but other options also exist. Our knowledgeable legal team could evaluate eligibility requirements and recommend the best approach to secure a green card.

Fighting Deportation and Removal

For some people, the most pressing reason to rely on an immigration attorney in Maywood is when they face the prospect of deportation and removal. Removal from the country can be a traumatic event that impacts not only the individual but also their family and dependents.

The good news is that it is possible to fight back against deportation and removal. In some cases, defense efforts are successful and can result in an immigrant being allowed to remain in the country. Every person applying for an immigration permit or facing removal has rights, and a lawyer in Maywood could help protect these rights.

In some situations, an attorney could help a person facing deportation get out of the custody of ICE. These attorneys could also represent an immigrant at important hearings throughout the deportation process. There are times when the federal government will take exigent circumstances into account and allow a person to remain in the country even if he or she would otherwise face deportation. There are also options for appealing adverse decisions.

Dealing with Immigration Delays

Delays can challenge a foreign national’s chances of securing the permit they need, even for applicants that have followed every rule and guideline to the letter. A delay can happen for a wide variety of reasons. In some cases, missing documentation or proof could prevent the federal government from reaching a decision in an immigration case. In other situations, USCIS or other agencies could lose a file or simply fall behind in making a decision on an application.

Thankfully, foreign nationals can work with a Maywood attorney to fight against a frustrating immigration delay. Our legal representatives could work with USCIS to determine what additional documentation is needed for the agency to make a decision. When a delay is unreasonable, it may be necessary to file something known as a writ of mandamus. This type of legal action is designed to force the government to render a final decision—good or bad—on an immigration case.

Contact a Maywood Immigration Attorney Today

You do not have to face challenging immigration issues alone. When you rely on the guidance of experienced legal counsel, you might be able to get the outcome you deserve. A favorable outcome in your case could make a tremendous difference in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

Put your case in the hands of a Maywood immigration lawyer today. Reach out as soon as possible to schedule your confidential consultation.

Lead Counsel Rated
Illinois State Bar Association
American Immigration Lawyers Association