We serve immigration clients nationwide. Contact Us to schedule a consultation with one of our lawyers today.

Immigration law has never been easy to understand, but these days it seems more complex than ever before. Rules for determining what type of visa is needed in a particular situation and who qualifies can be tricky to interpret. Similarly, the process of obtaining citizenship or fighting deportation can be equally difficult. And once qualifications are ascertained, proving those qualifications and satisfying U.S. government requirements provides a whole new range of concerns.

For these reasons, many people find it helpful to consult a knowledgeable Aurora immigration lawyer for advice right from the start. A practiced attorney who understands different facets of immigration law could assist with a variety of issues regarding visas, deportation, and citizenship. En Español.

Agencies to Know

Numerous federal agencies are involved in immigration law. Years ago, many of these functions were handled by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), but in 2003, the duties were split among three new agencies at the new Department of Homeland Security.

How does the USCIS Handle Administration?

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration services generally referred to as USCIS, administers the immigration process in conjunction with other federal agencies. USCIS works closely with the State Department in issuing visas and with the U.S. Department of Labor on employment-related visas.

How does the ICE and CBP Handle Enforcement?

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) carry out the law enforcement duties formerly handled by INS. Specifically, CBP agents screen individuals and cargo arriving in the U.S. to protect the country from terrorist activities and illegal conduct while ICE investigates and enforces immigration laws and other federal laws within the U.S.

Immigration Law in Aurora

The term immigration law is used in Aurora to refer to different practices and procedures involving the federal agencies who control the process of foreign nationals entering and remaining in the United States either on a temporary or permanent basis. While the U.S. government considers an immigrant to be someone coming to the U.S. with the intention of relocating permanently, immigration law also covers situations involving temporary stays.

When applying to immigrate to the U.S. it is important to make sure that all necessary information is submitted accurately. In many situations, if the information is left out or entered incorrectly, it can delay or even permanently prevent someone from achieving his or her immigration goals. Therefore, to ensure that requirements are fully understood and complied with, assistance from a skilled Aurora immigration lawyer can prove invaluable.

Consult a Dedicated Aurora Immigration Attorney

Consulting an attorney is a big step for many people, and sometimes there is a temptation to see if it is possible to handle matters as inexpensively as possible by skipping legal advice and assistance. But that approach could end up costing far more in the long run.

In a brief initial consultation, an Aurora immigration lawyer could help you understand your options and how the decisions you make could shape your case. Wherever you are in the process, investing a few minutes of your time with an immigration lawyer could provide peace of mind and set you on the right path toward your goals. Call today to learn more.

Lead Counsel Rated
Illinois State Bar Association
American Immigration Lawyers Association

Client Review

Title: I would highly recommend to anyone to use their services.
N/A Godoy Law Office Immigration Lawyers 915 Harger Road, Suite 300, Oak Brook IL 60523 Phone: (630) 864-5277
Description: I was very pleased with the expertise and level of professionalism exhibited by the Godoy Law Office. I would highly recommend to anyone to use their services. You will not be disappointed.

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