Whether you want to sponsor a family member or prospective employee’s immigration to the United States, your agreement to serve as their sponsor confers both legal and financial responsibilities. However, if you cannot maintain a certain minimum income for the entire duration of your sponsorship period, the immigrant you are sponsoring may be forced to leave the United States.
Understanding the income requirements for sponsoring an immigrant in Naperville could be essential to ensuring that this arrangement is successful for both you and the person you are supporting. During a private consultation, an immigration lawyer could explain what specific standards you will need to meet, how you could work to meet them, and how long you will need to maintain your sponsorship.
To serve as a prospective immigrant’s sponsor, a U.S. citizen must be able to show that their household income equals or exceeds 125 percent of the applicable U.S. poverty level, or 100 percent if the prospective sponsor is an active U.S. military service member. This level will vary depending on the size of the household in question. For example, a Naperville household of two people in 2020 would need to maintain a total yearly income of at least $21,550, while the standard would be $55,150 per year for a household of eight.
If a sponsor’s income does not meet this minimum requirement, they can also factor in the cash value of certain assets, including property, stock portfolios, and savings accounts. Additionally, the assets of household members related to the sponsor by marriage, birth, or adoption can also be included in some cases, as can the assets of the specific relative seeking sponsorship for immigration. A local attorney could go into further detail about how a prospective immigration sponsor could meet these minimum income requirements in their unique circumstances.
When someone signs an affidavit of support signifying their consent to sponsor a relative or prospective employee’s immigration to the United States, they assume financial liability for the sponsored individual until they accumulate credit for 40 quarters of work in the U.S., obtain citizenship, permanently leave the country or pass away. A sponsor getting a divorce from the immigrant they are sponsoring does not end their sponsorship obligations or absolve them of financial liability.
In addition to maintaining a minimum income, sponsors are also liable to reimburse state and federal government agencies for the costs of any public benefits a sponsored individual receives. Failure to repay this debt within a designated time period could result in an agency pursuing legal action against the sponsor. Due to this requirement, income requirements for sponsoring an immigrant in the area may persist well after the immigrant enters the U.S. and establishes themselves in the workforce.
Sponsoring an immigrant to the United States is an important and significant responsibility, and it involves many obligations that can remain in effect for several years. Anyone with doubts about their ability to maintain a consistent income after a sponsored individual arrives in the U.S. should consider their options before signing an affidavit of support and making this commitment.
If you have any questions about income requirements for sponsoring an immigrant in Naperville, you should speak with a seasoned immigration lawyer as soon as possible. Call today to set up a meeting to explore your options.