Applying for a Green Card is not a situation where you automatically think of seeking help from a skilled attorney, but the more you know about the process, the more you understand why working with a Lombard employment-based green card lawyer may be helpful.
Missing or unclear information could cause long delays for an applicant and incorrect information could provide grounds for a denial. When you work with an experienced lawyer, you can rest assured knowing that you are taking the right steps to help the process go smoothly and secure your future.
The term Green Card is the informal way to refer to a Permanent Resident Card identifying the holder as a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States. This card enables a foreign national to live and work in the U.S. on a permanent basis and enables them to sponsor certain family members for immigration.
Each fiscal year, the U.S. issues a set number of employment-based immigration visas that enable employees to obtain LPR status/Green Cards. The government has designated five different employment categories in order of preference. As can be imagined, there are often more applicants than visas available, so competition can be fierce. It is important to demonstrate qualifications for the highest possible visa preference category. A knowledgeable Lombard attorney could help with this phase of obtaining a work green card.
In most cases, an applicant in Lombard seeking a green card based on employment must have a job offer from an employer who has obtained labor certification approval from the U.S. Department of Labor. The employer usually files Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, with the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for the employment-based preference category that applies in the particular situation.
An applicant for immigration status based on employment must demonstration qualifications for the applicable preference category. This can be successfully done with the help of a Lombard employment-based green card attorney.
The five employment visa preference categories are labeled E1 through E5 and ranked in order of priority. First priority applicants are people with extraordinary ability in the fields of sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics. These are people with national or internationally recognized ability and for that reason, may petition on their own for immigration without a job offer from an employer. Others in the first priority group include “Outstanding” professors and researchers and multinational managers and executives.
In the employment second preference (E2) category are those with advanced degrees or exceptional ability in business, arts or sciences. The third preference (E3) category includes three sub-categories:
The employment fourth preference category (E4) covers a wide range of individuals who fit into very specific “Special Immigrant” categories. These include ministers and religious workers, certain government or former government employees, and employees of certain international organizations and their families. Finally, the employment fifth preference category (E5) is for investors who create jobs in the U.S.
It can be difficult to demonstrate that an applicant meets the requirements for an employment-based immigration visa. Throughout the process, it is important to understand the requirements and fulfill them promptly and completely.
After a petition is approved by the USCIS, it moves to the National Visa Center where the official application, supporting documentation, support affidavits, necessary fees, and other requirements are fulfilled. A mistake anywhere in the process can cause delay or even provide grounds for rejection.
To make sure that procedures are followed correctly, many people choose to gain assistance from a Lombard employment-based green card lawyer with knowledge of the visa application and interview process. To learn how they can help you apply for a green card, contact us for an initial consultation.