The processing of a family-based visa application could take considerable time because it involves many stages and long waiting periods. Since small mistakes could add significant delays or even result in denial of a visa application, many applicants and family members in Aurora seek assistance from a skilled family immigration attorney to make sure paperwork is completed correctly, and all requirements are fulfilled.
The method of applying for a family visa will vary depending on the location of the prospective immigrant. Also, applicants based in certain countries are able to use an electronic service to submit the required information, which could speed up the process, provide added security, and allow for easier tracking of applications. The Aurora family visa application process may take many years to complete, but the outcome allows for the eventual reunification of families.
The process of obtaining a family visa typically begins with a family member who is a citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the United States filing a Petition for Alien Relative with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). Usually, USCIS should send a receipt known as a Notice of Action within two or three weeks.
If the petition was not filed properly, the Notice might indicate that the petition has been rejected. If the information is missing, the agency may send a Request for Evidence seeking additional data. The Notice would contain a ten-digit receipt number which is essential for applicants to make a note of, because it becomes the case number used to check case status later on.
USCIS may begin reviewing the petition right away if it is in a high-priority category and there are no backlogs. More typically, though, it may take months or years for the agency to begin reviewing a petition, particularly if it pertains to an applicant with a lower preference, such as a sibling. For more information about the family visa application process and how an Aurora attorney could help, call today.
Once a petition is approved, the USCIS forwards the information to the State Department National Visa Center, unless the person seeking the visa is already in the U.S. and has filed an application to adjust his or her status. Individuals may have a long waiting period until visas are made available. However, immediate relatives are not subject to annual quotas and may begin to apply for a visa after the petition is approved.
When a visa becomes available, applicants who are already in the U.S. may file a Form I-485 Adjustment of Status with USCIS. Applicants located outside the U.S. may begin pre-processing of their application through the National Visa Center, which also involves the collection of documents and fees. In some countries, applicants may use the electronic Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) to submit information and fees.
When all submissions are complete and approved, including biometric data to verify identity and complete background checks, the Visa Center will schedule an interview at a consulate or embassy for applicants outside the country. Those who filed an Adjustment of Status form may undergo an interview at USCIS. An Aurora attorney could help clients prepare for all aspects of the family visa application process.
The final stages of the Aurora family visa application process involve preparing and completing the interview. Each applicant must bring original versions of required documents even if he or she submitted copies earlier. Also, he or she must complete any required medical examinations before the interview.
During the interview, it is essential to answer questions clearly and truthfully. Statements perceived as false or fraudulent could provide grounds for denial or later revocation of a visa.
Determining which type of visa applies in a particular situation could be difficult. Moreover, it could also be challenging to identify the correct procedures and how to fulfill requirements accurately. A knowledgeable immigration attorney may provide advice and assistance at any point in the process, so call today to learn more.