If you or a loved one has been detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), contacting a Bolingbrook immigration bond lawyer quickly could make a difference in your ability to obtain a speedy and cost-effective release on bond. It may be possible for your attorney to negotiate an arrangement without the need for a bond hearing. An experienced immigration attorney could fight to protect the rights of those involved and work to achieve your objectives. En Español.
An immigration bond operates like bail in a traditional court setting. If a judge believes that the individual detained by law enforcement officials will come back to stand trial, the court will agree to allow that individual to leave detention and return home in exchange for a monetary pledge. A Bolingbroke immigration lawyer could present evidence to show that the individual is not a “flight risk,” and therefore release on bond is appropriate under the circumstances.
The bond paid for release is a type of insurance. If the person released on bond appears for scheduled hearings and complies with requirements, the amount will be returned to the person who posted it. If the person fails to appear or violates requirements in other ways, the money may not be returned.
There are two types of immigration bonds – delivery bonds and voluntary departure bonds. A delivery bond is money pledged for an individual’s appearance in court. The amount of these is often quite high. Although the amount may be as low as $1,500, delivery bonds are usually set at a significantly greater sum. A Bolingbrook lawyer could argue in favor of a low bond amount.
Voluntary departure bonds are issued to enable an individual to leave the U.S. through their own means, so long as departure is accomplished within the set timeframe. The amount of a voluntary departure bond could be as low as $500. The money will be returned if the individual leaves by the deadline.
ICE often has the discretion to release a detained individual on bond without the necessity of a hearing. However, this type of arrangement needs to be negotiated quickly by requesting bond as soon as possible after detention.
Once immigration removal proceedings are initiated in immigration court, the judge becomes the one with discretion to allow removal on bond. The issue is usually decided after a formal bond hearing. A Bolingbrook immigration bond lawyer could present evidence to show the detained person’s attachments to the community, character references, and other factors weighing in favor of granting bond. In some cases, however, the law requires an individual to remain in detention.
Many factors go into a decision of whether to grant release on bond. It is wise to ensure that the court sees as many positive aspects of the individual as possible. An experienced Bolingbrook immigration bond lawyer may present persuasive evidence in a legal brief as well as oral arguments. In addition, an attorney can call witnesses to testify on behalf of the person seeking bond.
The bottom line is that an immigration bond can enable a struggling family to make the best of a difficult situation. Approaching the matter promptly and carefully could lead to a successful outcome. If you or a loved one is facing detention or already detained, call an immigration bond attorney now to learn more about your options for relief.