When you obtain a green card based on employment, you are able to remain in the United States indefinitely and may sponsor family members for immigration. A green card can also enable you to become a citizen.
You and your employer need to be aware, however, that the U.S. government has established many requirements that must be satisfied before the government will issue a green card. Proving that you meet the qualifications can often be a challenge.
A Bolingbrook employment-based green card lawyer could help you demonstrate qualifications and assist in fulfilling other requirements. If a problem arises or a delay occurs, an immigration lawyer could also work to resolve the issue.
A green card identifies the holder as a lawful permanent resident (LPR) of the U.S. The identification cards issued to LPRs used to be printed on green paper, and that green image became synonymous with the ability to remain in the U.S. indefinitely with the ability to work legally.
To get a green card requires the acquisition of an immigrant visa. A Bolingbrook employment-based green card attorney could assist in the process of applying for the necessary visa. Because these permanent visas are issued in limited quantities, competition can be fierce, and it is unwise to make mistakes in the application process.
Most applicants need a qualifying offer of employment in the U.S. to be eligible for an employment-based immigrant visa. That employer will also be required to file a Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The employer will usually need to serve as the employee’s sponsor for immigration purposes as well.
Before filing the petition, the employer may need to obtain approval from the U.S. Department of Labor. After the employer obtains certification and the immigration petition is accepted, then the employee can begin the application process. If a visa is not immediately available, however, the employee may need to wait before being invited to submit the necessary application and supporting documentation.
The U.S. government issues many types of employment-based visas, including both temporary and permanent visas. In some cases, an applicant may obtain a temporary visa while waiting for a permanent visa and a green card.
An employment-based green card lawyer in Bolingbrook could help ascertain which types of a visa an employee may be eligible to apply for and which makes the most sense in the particular circumstances. Varieties of employment-based immigrant visas include:
Some workers, such as those with skills that are needed by the U.S. government for security reasons, may be able to petition on their own behalf and obtain a visa without a specific job offer.
Demonstrating that a worker meets the qualifications for the necessary visa category can be an arduous task. Many visa categories have high standards with requirements that must be documented in minute detail.
Working with a Bolingbrook employment-based green card lawyer who understands how to satisfy agency standards could make the process of obtaining the necessary visa much less daunting. For a consultation to learn the advantages an immigration lawyer could provide in your situation, call now.