You might be uncertain about what to do you if you have experienced unreasonable delays waiting for the green card proving your lawful permanent resident status. After fulfilling so many requirements, a costly and frustrating wait can seem unbearable.
An unreasonable delay for green cards/LPR in Bolingbrook is ultimately unacceptable. To move forward and challenge USCIS to process your application swifter, contact an attorney who has experience
Before deciding what to do about a green card delay, it is necessary to ascertain the reason for the delay. An experienced LPR/green card delay lawyer in Bolingbrook could compare the case with similar situations to determine whether a delay is unreasonable for the circumstances. A delay that is common could indicate that the problem is nothing more than ordinary backlog.
Fortunately, delays often stem from causes that can be addressed. For instance, if a delay is due to missing information or a request for information that never arrived, the missing data could be supplied to place the case back on track. Some green card case files get put aside when information is lost, or a question arises. Well-placed inquiries could get the case back in line for processing.
It is also important to ascertain where the delay is occurring. Many agencies may be involved in processing an application for a green card/LPR status. Delays could be due to a problem processing with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the National Visa Center at the State Department, or an agency conducting background checks or providing corroboration of other information.
If working through USCIS does not yield results and there has been no action on a case for an unreasonable length of time, a Bolingbrook green card delay lawyer may recommend filing a lawsuit. It is possible to file a writ of mandamus suit in federal court against USCIS.
In a writ of mandamus action, the person waiting for a decision or action on a case asks the court to compel the agency to act. People bringing cases against the agency are not asking the court to step in and decide whether to grant LPR status, but only asking for the court to order the agency to fulfill its obligations and make a decision on the case.
Sometimes, just discussing the possibility of a mandamus suit is enough to get USCIS to start moving on a particular case. Negotiation is the preferred method of resolving a delay, but having the option to pursue a claim in federal court gives an applicant some leverage.
In some cases, there may be nothing to do except wait. However, it is impossible to know whether action could make a difference until you try.
Attorneys familiar with the workings of and delays in the immigration process can devise a strategy for tracking down the cause of a delay and resolving the problem. When you work with an attorney, Bolingbrook unreasonable delays for Green Cards/LPR could become less of an issue. Reach out to a lawyer today to learn what could be done.