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2020 Census Data and Illinois Immigration

2020 Census Data and Illinois Immigration

The new data from the 2020 census is in, and it will influence how $1.5 trillion in federal spending is distributed to each state for the next 10 years. The United States Census Bureau released the data on August 12 rather than in March of this year due to delays caused by the pandemic. Nationwide, 2020 census data shows increased diversity particularly among young Americans:

• More than two-fifths of Americans identify as people of color.

• Over half of the nation’s youth are people of color.

The Illinois 2020 census data shows:

• Illinois’ population is 12.8 million, 18,000 less than 10 years ago, and a 0.14% decrease.

• Illinois was one of three states to decrease in overall population and is one of seven states that will lose one of its congressional seats.

• Chicago’s population grew to 2.7 million people, an increase of 50,000, or 1.9%, compared to 2010 when the city had a 6.9% decrease over the previous census.

• Chicago’s six-county suburbs grew to 8,445,866 people — a 1.6% increase over a decade ago, but the slowest growth rate since 1950.

• In 2020, Chicago has a population that is 31% white, 30% Latino, 29% Black and 7% Asian, compared to 2010 when the population was 33% Black, 32% white, 28% Latino and 5% Asian.

• Chicago’s Black population decreased by 10% to 84,738. There are 787,551 Black Chicagoans now, a decrease from over 1 million 20 years ago.

• Chicago’s Latino population grew by 5%, and Latinos now outnumber Blacks.

The 2020 census data determine:

• how much money Illinois gets in $800 billion of federal funds and grants

• how many seats Illinois gets in the U.S. House of Representatives

• public and private business investments in Illinois of $4 trillion annually

Featured image courtesy of the Chicago Tribune

Trump Effort To Exclude Some Immigrants From Census

The courts blocked former President Trump’s strategy to exclude some immigrants from the 2020 Census. On July 21, 2020, Trump signed a memorandum to exclude Census counts of undocumented immigrants from being included in congressional district census reapportionment, saying including undocumented immigrants “would create perverse incentives and undermine our system of government.”

Chicago Immigration Attorneys

Your decision to hire an experienced immigration lawyer can save you time, money and stress – and make the difference between your immigration application being denied or approved. The attorneys at Godoy Law Office will work with you to evaluate your immigration status and guide you in your journey to achieving your American Dream. If you need help with an immigration issue, please contact our office at 630-912-0322. 

Mario Godoy
Mario Godoy
Immigration Lawyer and Illinois Crimmigration Attorney

Immigration Attorney Mario Godoy has years of experience guiding clients with immigration issues through the immigration process along with guiding clients through the criminal case. Godoy focuses on family-based immigration law, business immigration law, removal defense, and criminal defense representation of immigrants. A criminal charge or conviction can be devastating to your immigration case. With over a decade of immigration law experience and memories of family members who were deported due to bad legal advice, Godoy is committed to helping other immigrant families receive the legal justice they deserve. As a legal entrepreneur who practices immigration law, criminal law, estate and probate law, and running two successful law firms, Mario Godoy understands the importance of keeping families together and making a home and future in America.

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Illinois State Bar Association
American Immigration Lawyers Association