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Fingerprints: FAQ: What is The Biometric Requirement on My Green Card Application? | Mario Godoy | Chicago Immigration Lawyer | Godoy Law Firm

FAQ: What is The Biometric Requirement on My Green Card Application?

Most green card applicants will receive a notice that USCIS needs biometric information from them. The agency will notify applicants by mail of the time, date, and location where they should report for biometrics collection. 

According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

The biometrics you provide during your ASC (Application Support Center) appointment allow USCIS to confirm your identity and run required background and security checks. USCIS has the general authority to require and collect biometrics (fingerprints, photograph, and/or digital signature) from any applicant, petitioner, sponsor, beneficiary, or other individual residing in the United States for any immigration and naturalization benefit. See 8 CFR 103.2 (b)(9). 

When you apply for USCIS services including a work permit, citizenship, a green card, or a green card renewal, a standard part of the process is biometric screening to confirm your identity and that the correct person is applying for the USCIS benefits. A biometric appointment may be required for adults and children over 14. 

Biometric Screening

You will receive a biometrics screening appointment notification, and instructions to appear at an Application Support Center near you. The notification letter will instruct you on what documents you must bring to your biometrics appointment. Biometrics required may include:

  • Fingerprints
  • Digital signature
  • Passport photos

A full FBI background check and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) database check of non-citizens who have an immigration violation (such as crossing the border illegally) will be conducted using your biometrics. If you have a criminal record, contact an immigration lawyer before going to a USCIS biometrics appointment. 

The attorneys at Godoy Law Office in Cook and Dupage Count, Illinois, fight for the rights of immigrants and help immigrants navigate the complex and numerous immigration policies, procedures, and regulations. If you need help with an immigration issue, please contact our office today.

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