Title 42 was created as a temporary measure that Border Patrol could employ which lasted from March 20th, 2020 until May 12th, 2023. It gave Border Patrol the authority to expel migrants who arrived at the border if there was a serious threat that they may bring an infectious disease into the country. The intention behind Title 42 was to limit the spread of Covid-19 into the United States, and there were some exemptions to who could not be removed through the use of Title 42, such as green card holders and those with valid travel documents. However, it did allow for the removal of migrants seeking asylum.
Title 8 contains all of the immigration laws that are enforced by Border Patrol and has been the standard used to determine who is eligible for entry into the United States and who is subject to removal. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that while Title 42 has been lifted, they have strengthened their enforcement of Title 8. The Biden administration added extra measures to Title 8 at the expiration of Title 42 to assist in the processing of new migrants, which includes:
Over the past month, the number of unlawful entries along the Southwest Border has seen a 70% decrease according to DHS. This is being attributed to the harsher consequences for unlawful entry into the U.S. as well as the increase in lawful avenues of entry introduced at the end of Title 42. Here are some other DHS facts about Southern Border Entries since the end of Title 42:
Are you currently seeking Asylum in the United States? Do you have questions or concerns about your eligibility for Asylee Status as a result of the increased measures of Title 8? If you have questions about the immigration process or are curious on how to apply for immigration, book an appointment today with an immigration attorney to receive legal advice. The immigration attorneys at Godoy Law Office in Oak Brook, Illinois can help you with your immigration case. If you need help with an immigration issue, or you are ready to get started on your immigration journey, please contact our office or call us today.
Immigration Attorney Mario Godoy has years of experience guiding clients with immigration issues through the immigration process along with guiding clients through the criminal case. Godoy focuses on family-based immigration law, business immigration law, removal defense, and criminal defense representation of immigrants. A criminal charge or conviction can be devastating to your immigration case. With over a decade of immigration law experience and memories of family members who were deported due to bad legal advice, Godoy is committed to helping other immigrant families receive the legal justice they deserve. As a legal entrepreneur who practices immigration law, criminal law, estate and probate law, and running two successful law firms, Mario Godoy understands the importance of keeping families together and making a home and future in America.