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Chicago skyline: Trump Claims Chicago Police Superintendent Prioritizes Needs of Illegal Immigrants | Mario Godoy | Chicago Immigration Lawyer | Godoy Law Firm

Trump Claims Chicago Police Superintendent Prioritizes Needs of Illegal Immigrants

In a speech to the International Association of Chiefs of Police Annual Conference and Exposition on October 28 in Chicago, President Trump slammed the host city Chicago as “embarrassing to us as a nation.” Trump went on to say that Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson puts the needs of illegal immigrants above the needs of the law-abiding residents of Chicago, saying, “I want Eddie Johnson to change his values and to change them fast.”

Chicago Police Superintendent Johnson, the host of the conference, refused to attend the speech in protest of Trump’s attendance, and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot refused to meet with Trump while he is in her city. In his response to Trump’s comments, Johnson said:

“I can’t in good conscience stand by while racial insults and hatred are cast from the Oval Office or Chicago is held hostage because of our views on new Americans…the national narrative that Chicago is a city on fire is just simply not true. Facts matter… (Chicago has three years straight of) double-digit reduction (in crime and there are) 17 neighborhoods in this city that are safer than Manhattan and LA.” 

The Trump administration policies have been at odds with Chicago and Illinois leadership:

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