In addition to permits meant specifically for victims of criminal activity, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) also provides visas for survivors of severe forms of human trafficking. Therefore, anyone transported into the United States unlawfully and forced to provide involuntary servitude or sexual services may be eligible to apply for a T visa and obtain special nonimmigrant status.
Establishing that you qualify for this particular type of visa often means presenting extensive documentation about your experiences and cooperating with law enforcement, both of which could be much easier with the assistance of a Bolingbrook T visa lawyer. By working with a visa attorney who has helped people in situations like yours before, you could greatly improve your prospects of acquiring the permit you need and ensuring your future safety.
T visas are meant for individuals who either have been or are actively being victimized by sex or labor trafficking. To become eligible for this visa, the immigrant must currently be located within the United States, certain American territories, or at a U.S. port of entry. Additionally, applicants must be able to demonstrate not only that he or she experienced severe trafficking, but also that his or her deportation would cause “extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm.”
Additionally, trafficking victims seeking T visas must comply with any law enforcement agency that requests his or her assistance in investigating or prosecuting the people who trafficked them. Only trafficking victims who are under 18 at the time of filing or people have sustained physical or psychological trauma that prevents them from assisting law enforcement can avoid this requirement. A compassionate attorney in Bolingbrook could assess the circumstances surrounding your trafficking experience to determine whether you are eligible for a T visa.
The T visa application process begins when an applicant files Form I-914, along with a personal statement describing how he or she fell victim to trafficking. Certain applicants might also need to file Supplement A or B of Form I-914 depending on whether they have cooperated with law enforcement and want to bring any immediate family members to the U.S.
Trafficking victims who are inadmissible to the United States under current immigration law will need to acquire waivers of inadmissibility through Form I-192 before they can apply for a T visa or any other kind of lawful nonimmigrant status.
There are no costs associated with the standard T visa application documents, but a resourceful lawyer in Bolingbrook could help you acquire fee waivers for other paperwork associated with this petition, like, Form I-765 seeking employment authorization or Form I-485 seeking adjustment of status.
Pursuing any type of visa without legal guidance can be a complicated effort, especially if you are seeking refuge from human trafficking. Fortunately, dedicated legal representatives could lessen the difficulty of the T visa application process and help you seek the immigration status you need.
A seasoned Bolingbrook T visa lawyer could outline your options and take proactive action to protect your rights. Call today to schedule a consultation.