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Are You Registered to Vote?

Are You Registered to Vote?

The right to vote is essential to being an American. September 28 is National Voter Registration Day. An important benefit of U.S. citizenship is the ability to vote in local, state and national elections. United States citizens are entitled to rights and privileges that Legal Permanent Residents – Green Card holders – do not have.

National Voter Registration Day Returns September 27, 2022 – Will You Be Ready?

2020 was an important presidential and local election year. If you didn’t get to vote in the 2020 presidential election, let’s make sure you can vote the next time. Legal Permanent Residents are eligible to apply for citizenship, and should start the process now so that you are ready to vote the next time! In addition to eligibility to vote in presidential elections, there are many benefits to becoming a United States Citizen.

10 Benefits Of Being A U.S. Citizen

There are many benefits of being a U.S. citizen. United States citizens are entitled to rights and privileges that Legal Permanent Residents – Green Card holders – do not have. Here are 10 reasons to become a United States citizen:

1. If a Green Card holder is convicted of certain crimes, their legal Permanent Resident status may be revoked and they can be deported. A naturalized citizen is entitled to the same rights as a natural-born citizen.

2. U.S. citizens can vote in local and federal elections.

3. Citizens get priority to sponsor family members to permanently move to the United States.

4. A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen may automatically obtain U.S. citizenship.

5. Citizens are eligible for Federal jobs that LPRs cannot get.

6. A U.S. passport and the ability to contact the U.S. Embassy provide some protection during international travel.

7. Certain educational scholarships are only available to U.S. citizens.

8. Citizenship almost eliminates the risk of deportation. Unless there is a mistake or someone committed fraud during his or her immigration proceedings, citizenship is permanent. Once a person becomes a citizen, he or she is typically immune from deportation.

9. Citizens are permitted to leave the country for long periods of time, unlike Green Card holders.

10. It costs less to become a U.S. citizen than to remain a Green Card holder. Permanent Residents must renew their green card every 10 years and pay applicable fees.

Learn More: What happens if you are a Green Card Holder and registered to vote – or if you actually did vote?

Chicago Citizenship Lawyer

You are not required to hire an attorney to manage your citizenship application. However, immigration law is complicated, confusing and – especially now – changing rapidly. The advice and guidance of an experienced immigration lawyer can save you time, money and stress – and make the difference in whether your citizenship application is approved or denied.

The skilled immigration lawyers at Godoy Law Office can answer any questions about citizenship and immigration and guide you through every step of the citizenship process. Call us today at 630-912-0322.


Mario Godoy
Mario Godoy
Immigration Lawyer and Illinois Crimmigration Attorney

Immigration Attorney Mario Godoy has years of experience guiding clients with immigration issues through the immigration process along with guiding clients through the criminal case. Godoy focuses on family-based immigration law, business immigration law, removal defense, and criminal defense representation of immigrants. A criminal charge or conviction can be devastating to your immigration case. With over a decade of immigration law experience and memories of family members who were deported due to bad legal advice, Godoy is committed to helping other immigrant families receive the legal justice they deserve. As a legal entrepreneur who practices immigration law, criminal law, estate and probate law, and running two successful law firms, Mario Godoy understands the importance of keeping families together and making a home and future in America.

Lead Counsel Rated
Illinois State Bar Association
American Immigration Lawyers Association