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As many people are aware, the United States federal government is currently in a shutdown because of the Trump administration’s demands for funding in order to secure the U.S.-Mexico border. This shutdown not only affects government employees, but the millions...
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Effective January 1, 2019, Illinois’ VOICES Act will take effect. The law requires Illinois law enforcement to submit appropriate paperwork for federal immigration authorities within 90 days after request from a U Visa applicant. U visas are special visas which...
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The Department of Homeland Security recently proposed to expand the test that it applies to determine whether an immigrant is likely to become a “public charge.” Under a longstanding policy, a “public charge” is an immigrant who is primarily dependent...
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The beauty of the American justice system is that it can be very forgiving. Often times if you are a first-time offender for an incident, the system will permit you to plead guilty and so long as you stay out...
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In this day and age, we can find love rather easily with the assistance of the internet. You meet someone, you fall for them, and you decide that you wish to spend the rest of your life with that person…...
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Police precincts across the U.S. will be stepping up DUI enforcement during the holiday season. A common holiday police tactic is the “spot check”. The McHenry County Sheriff’s Office took such measures over the recent Thanksgiving holiday. The increased mobilization...
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Under current immigration law, the U.S. attorney general may, as a matter of discretion, grant asylum to a foreign national who is eligible to apply for asylum and who qualifies as a "refugee." This is typically accomplished by working with...
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The Trump administration has increased its efforts to incarcerate immigrants that he plans to deport. The numbers are so overwhelming that some of the detention facilities are unable to provide basic care for its detainees. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)...
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On September 22, 2018, the Trump administration announced a proposed rule to make it harder for immigrants to obtain a green card or visa. It would not matter whether the immigrant is already here legally or if they are seeking...
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Over the weekend the Trump administration announced a proposal to make it harder for immigrants to obtain a green card or visa. The Administration seeks to broaden the inadmissibility ground relating to a “public charge.” This ground applies if the...
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Illinois State Bar Association
American Immigration Lawyers Association