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Among the important steps to take for a U-visa in Aurora, contacting a lawyer is arguably the most important. Should you find that you are unfamiliar with the law and unsure as to how a U-visa could be of benefit to you, a lawyer could help set things straight and work on your behalf.

Could People with a Criminal Record Apply for a U-Visa?

People are able to apply for a U-visa even if they have a criminal or immigration record of their own. This is where an Aurora attorney could help them out and figure out whether any of the grounds of inadmissibility apply to them. If attorneys do find that, then that is something that they would try to waive using Form I-192As far as the waiver is concerned, they need to show that it is in the best interest of the government for them to grant the I-192.

Steps Involved in U-Visa Cases

In a U-visa case, attorneys often divide cases into the first step being the investigation process, reviewing what the offense was to see if it qualifies, reviewing what the person’s actual participation was, and obtaining police records and hospital records. Once that is completed, attorneys next try to get certification from law enforcement officials. Once certification is obtained that certification, then they move into preparation of the actual U-visa application. Attorneys then determine whether there are any ineligibility or inadmissibility issues that pertain to the person prior to filing.
Once the case has been filed, there is a long backlog for the visas. The process could last four to five years. If an applicant is concerned about facing deportation, he or she should file as soon as possible, because then a removal defense attorney may be able to seek continuances on the basis that the U-visa application is processing with the government.

First Look at a Case

In a U-visa case, attorneys look to see that a qualifying criminal activity is involved, that the crime happened in the United States, and that the individual was helpful to law enforcement in reporting it or did not deny any type of help when requested. Applicants could also be individuals who have information, and even if they have not reported it yet, attorneys may be able to help them get that reporting process started so that they might one day become eligible for the U-visa application.

Attorneys also look to see that there was physical damage, emotional abuse, or mental abuse as a result of having been a victim of that activity. Often, they check to see whether the crime occurred in the United States or was a crime that violated US Laws.

Prosecutorial Discretion

If an individual has met the U-visa requirements, he or she may be granted prosecutorial discretion or deferred action on his or her case while waiting for the U-visa to process and become available since there are only 10,000 issued per year. During that time period, that person would be able to apply for employment authorization, allowing him or her to work in the United States.

Take the Important Steps for U-Visas in Aurora with an Attorney’s Help

There are a number of steps that must be taken if you are invested in pursuing a U-visa in Aurora. These important U-visa steps in Aurora take time for people to complete, which is why seeking the help of an attorney to ensure that you stay focused and meet your filing deadlines is so critical. Reach out to an experienced attorney today for the help you need.

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Illinois State Bar Association
American Immigration Lawyers Association